Jo’s Move to Minneapolis

Hey Y’all it’s Jo! As you may have heard, I moved a few weeks ago and am getting acclimated to my new space. Even though I'm still very close to the central Dot & Daisy hub, it’s certainly a season of change over here. I’ll attach a few pictures from friends who have made my new space feel like home.

Workspace Inspiration

The first is a clay gnome that sits on my desk (notice the dots? Dot & Daisy? See what they did there). The second is a hand-sewn bear that sits on my desk to remind me at all times to be grateful for where I am.

Working full-time while running a small business is hard.  But, I am reminded everyday of the kindness of people and the reason Jen and I started this business in the first place. Creativity, in all its forms, brings us joy.  Whether it’s us doing the creating, receiving creations from others, being inspired by those around us, or inspiring others to be creative in some way. The best part of being in a new space is feeling inspired to bring it to life. Adding a little touch of color (or a lot of color, if you’re me) throughout the space to spark creativity has brought me so much joy within the past few weeks.

As the season begins to change, I encourage everyone to make something that brings you joy. I’m so thankful for this next chapter. 


Spooky Season Begins


Perfection: A Myth